
 Yaakov gathers his sons and tells them that he will tell them what will happen during the end of days.

Rashi cites the Medrash that says that Yaakov was going to tell them this through prophecy, but the prophecy was blocked from him and he did not/could not tell them about the end of days.
The Nesivos Shalom explains via the Zohar that if the Torah says that Yaakov was going to say something it's in the Torah because he did say at least part of it. The part he didn't say is when Moshiach/End of Days will come. The part he does say can be seen by a different translation of Yaakov's words. It can be read as something other than his telling them that he'll tell them what will happen in the end of days if they gather together around him. Perhaps he's telling them that what they need to do in the end of days is to be united and gathered together as one.
The Nesivos Shalom almost always ties in Shabbos to his message. He says here that Shabbos is about Jews' uniting. He cites a Medrash that was clearly beloved to him: Every day was coupled other than Shabbos. When she complained, G-d told Shabbos that "The Jewish People will be your partner." He didn't use the title of Am Yisrael or Kllal Yisrael or Bnei Yisrael. In this context he calls them Knesset Yisrael because the partnership of Jews and the seventh day is very much connected to the gathering together of the Jewish people in community.
May we be so blessed.
Shabbat Shalom!


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