
Nesivos Shalom speaks of how the four phrases of Geula are four spiritual stages of morphing from being stuck, to unstuck, to uncontrolled, to becoming connected to G-d. He says that the freeing that we experienced from Egypt in mirrored in several ways - by our later ups and downs as a nation and as individuals. He says that every week we go through this process agin, as in the week we experience exile and distance from G-d and on Shabbos we reconnect and experience redemption.e connects this to sur mirah and asei tov, and also to shamor vezachor. And he says that this explains the contradiction of one source saying that is all Jews keep one Shabbos we will bring redemption and another saying that we need to keep two Shabboses to bring redemption. He explains that it's one Shabbos that has two aspects, the moving away from the negative (Shamor/Sur Mira) and the positive (Zachor/Asei Tov).

He develops darkness, addresses how darkness can be something other than the absence of light (concludes it can't), explains that this was a heavenly light that the Egyptians could not handle so it blinded them and became for them a painful and paralyzing darkness, while the Jews were able to take in the spiritual light.

He addresses the idea that only for the final plague did G-d himself come in to Egypt, like a father who has no choice but to jump into a pit to save his beloved son.

He explains that the redemption happen at Chatzot, which is the darkest part of the night. Before that there is lingering light from the day before and after that there is the very beginning of the light of the next day. He redeemed them at their darkest spiritual moment.
He explains that Galut is lavk ok of knowledge of G-d and lack of connection to Him. And redemption is rememering and knowing our connection to G-d.


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