Shmini - HaMaaleh
Because I am Hashem Who raised you up from the land of Egypt in order to be for you Elokim, and be holy, because I am holy. Georah - usually says vehotzeiti, here, unusual, hama’aleh etchem, unique. Rashi - on condition that you’ll accept/receive my mitzvot, and I will raise you up through them. Why this statement, here, in midst of forbidden food, specifically. Ramban - Kedoshim Tihiyu, kadesh atzmechah bemutar lach. After listing assur things it adds not to be navel bireshut haTorah. That explains too why after forbidden food rules comes this- veheyitem kedoshim, to make yourself holy with what is permitted. All eating/consumption should be done in holiness and purity. This meaning of “I am Hashem Who raises you up…” It was on condition of being holy. Yetziat Mitzrayim has 1- being taken ut from the bad, the fleshpot of the world and the JP were embedded in the 49th level of tum’ah. 2- To be for you a G-d. By being brought out we were t...