NS Vol 2 - On RH Kuf Lamed Daled L'David Mizmor (27)
We say this on the night of Rosh haShanah which teaches of the designation and purpose of the world and all that fills it - all for G-d, to bring a Jew closer to G-d. Relates to this world being ike an antechamber before a hall, the point of this world is to go through it on your path to The Hal/Parlor/Place To Bel. This world is a pathway. Yet it can seem that this world of desire does the reverse of bringing you to Heaven. Also we need to understand the concept of Dirah BeTachtonim, the the Lower will be a place where the higher resides. How can that be? Answer: Maggid of Mezirich - The world is filled with kinyanechah - not things G-d owns, but things through which we gain ownership of/connection to G-d. All the loves and lusts - arousals - in the world are manufactured in a way, in essence, to bring us to acquire connection with G-d. Fits w Baal Shem Tov’s statement that no bad descends from Heaven.When seemingly bad lust or love rises in a person...