Vayeirah: HaKol BiZechut Hishtachavayah
The Nesivos Shalom cites the Medrash on the pasuk that reports Avraham saying to the young men that accompanied him to the Akeidah that he was going to bow and then come back: "All is in the merit of bowing." We are never told that Avraham actually bowed on the mountain of the Akeidah, rather the idea is that the entire act of what he did was one big bow before G-d. Our purpose in life is to humble ourselves before G-d. And that's what Avraham did at the Akeidah.
There are three times in the history of the Jewish People when bowing was key, in a metaphorical way, humbling ourselves before G-d. 1 - When we left Egypt. 2- When we got the Torah. 3 - For all future redemptions.
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