These parshiot teach us the ways of life. Toldot Yaakov Yosef: the Torah is eternal. Hinted to here is the war with the yetzer harah. Q Why Yaakov as the one with struggles? Even in the womb and then over bechorite and brachah, then 20 years with Lavan. 14 for women to marry, 6 over the sheep. Wrestling w the man/malach, the worst angel/malach hamavet, etc. Why just for Yaakov to this extent throught life? Q Vayishlach… el Eisav achiv, then the messengers say they came from your brother who is Eisav, later he prays save from my brother, from Eisav. He is bechir avot - we are his sons, Brei Yisrael. A These portions teach us about his wrestling, his Torah - teaching us that our lives should be wrestling always with the negative. He comes out better for it- his name changes to be about struggling and gaining from it. Our lives are struggles and fights through which we gain/benefit. We’re taught ways to wrestle. Realms to take on. Lavan - brain fi...