
Showing posts from March, 2023

Purim - Makom Acheir

 Many focus on Esther's decision to step up after Mordechai tells her that if she doesn't rise to the occasion salvation will come another way. But there's something else worth focusing on here: how did Mordechai know this? The Nesivos Shalom says that Mordecha was tapping into a traditional approach which teaches the spiritual reality that at the darkest time light comes. There's the possibilty that a person earns the grace that comes and saves them with light. Then there's the a Above and Beyond scenario. On RH and YK we build up to judgment, yet there's mercy beyond that judgment. Mordecha was (possibly) saying that there's a way to get G-d to save you, the old fashioned way - you earn it. But if you don't get there in by earning it straight up there's another way that may come into play. Salvation can come from another place: the Mercy of G-d. And it's specifically at the darkest time that this other method can take effect. This wonderou...