Chayei Sarah - Satan Mileachareinu
We pray to be protected from the Satan that's in front of us and the Satan behind us. The Nesivos Shalom's take on this is that before you do a mitzvah the Yetzer Harah tells you not to do it and after you do a mitzvah it tells you why you shouldn't have done it. He says that the emphasis and reemphasis on Sarah's exact age is because the Satan wanted to make it seem like she died from the shock of hearing about the Akeidah and that meant that the Akeidah was bad, as it led to Sarah's sudden and early death (and bad things are not supposed to come from mitzvot). This could have caused Avraham to easily question what he did. That's why the Torah shows that she died at the exact right moment that she was supposed to die. The Satan set it up to tell her the news at the moment of her prescheduled death to make it seem like she died because of the news. But really she didn't die because of the news. Nothing bad came out of the Akeidah. This is an example of S...