Vayakheil - Adat/Da’at - Nesivos Shalom - learned and taught and then learned again with R Nossen Schaefer
“Moshe gathered - Vayakheil- - Adat Benei Yisrael, these are the words Hashem commanded to do, six days you should work and…” The commentaries address the phrase used here, speak to Adat Bnei Yisrael, while in other places it says “speak to,” or “command Bnei Yisrael.” Why this different language here? Later in this portion Moshe says to gather contributions to G-d and this same term, “Adat Bnei Yisrael,” is used. And again at the end of the parsha it says “Adat Bnei Yisrael” went from Moshe. Needs explanation. Also, why specifically in the command of “Kedoshim Tihiyu” is this phrase used. The explanation may be that the essence of exile is losing da’at, awareness/connection - as Yishayahu says, “my exiled nation is without wisdom.” The Medrash says that if you have da’at you lack nothing and if you lack da’at what do you have? Further, the Gemoreh in Sotah says that “one only does an aveirah-transgression when foolishness enters them,” awareness/conn...