Vayeitzei - And the Stone Was Rolled Off The Well
Well, three flocks around it, big rock on well’s top. Medrash has different takes on the well. Key here, is the rule that the Torah doesn’t tell plain old stories, and from each part there’s what to learn for the path of a Jew.This applies to the well. The world is a field. We can grow beautiful fruits. And also we can grow thorns and thistles. So too with all creation. On the one hand we can reach high levels and on the other hand it is a lowly and physical world. When HK”BH - the Holy One Blessed Be He sends a Jew’s soul from the soul quarry to this low world, He prepares a well in the field, a place to take nourishment/nursing to fulfil our task and purpose in this world. And the field, the source of nourishment, has several aspects: First of all is Shabbos. It is THE well in the field, the source of nourishment for a Jew here. Zohar :All blessings above and below depend on the seventh day. The high blessing for the high ones,...