
Showing posts from October, 2021

Lech Lechah - Avraham Was (And We Are) Tested With 10 Tests...

  This parsha mentions most of the ten tests of Avraham, we learn from Pirkei Avot - he faced ten tests and withstood them all… The Torah doesn’t just contain stories - but its stories are main parts of Torah. We are all tested with our ten life challenges as Avraham was. Like him, we’re all tested with ten tests (or categories of tests) repeatedly, to show how much G-d loves us, to make us aware.  Ramban: The test was great for Avraham, this - his passing the tests - made him stand out, more than keeping the Torah.  The key for all of us is how loyal and faithful we stay in the time of being challenged. Chazal: 3 things are present in a student of Avraham - positive/generous eye - seeing the good, humble spirit, nefesh shefeila, a lowered appetite for the physical- holding it down vs nastiness of the eye, haughtiness, strong physical appetite). One could also say that whoever passes his 10 tests is a student of Avraham Avinu, paralleling his major greatness.  And ...