
Showing posts from February, 2021

Trumah: G-d's main Dwelling Place Is In The Lower Realms

"I came to my garden, my sister, my bride." It says MY garden, not garden, because it is referring to The Garden that was G--d's dwelling place, as it were, when The Shechinah was primarily in The Tachtonim, as alluded to the description of Adam and Chavah hearing G-d's voice  traverse through the garden. - Shir HaShirim 5:1 The cheit - sin/mistake of Adam sent The Shechinah to the first level of heaven, then one by one, six more people down the generations - Kayin, Enosh, The Generation of the Flood, The Generation of the Tower of Babel, The People of Sedom, The Egyptians In Avraham's Time -  exiled The Shechinah from level to level until it got to the seventh heaven. Ten The Shechinah was lowered through the seven heavens back down to earth by seven people: Avraham, Yitzchak, Yaakov, Levi, Kehat, Amram, Moshe.  The Shechinah came back to earth on the day Moshe established the The Mishkan - Vayehi beyom kalot Moshe lehakim et HaMishkan. That's when G-d return...